I came across your very informative website today. Thank you, I've learned a a lot. I noticed that you haven't listed www.dhammasukha.org,
it's a very good teaching by Ven. Vimalaramsi and Samanari Sister Khema who are located in Missouri, USA. I had the honor to join their
retreats last year; in Joshua Tree and in Missouri. The meditation results are phenomenal and amazing. Fyi, I've been a buddhist since i was 6
year old and been meditating for 34 years and the result was absorption concentration. So for the last additional 3 years I've been meditating
following the Tranquil Wisdom Insight Meditation method taught by Ven. Vimalaramsi who followed the suttas closely as taught by the Lord Buddha.
They have students all over the world and everyone who has joined their retreats have been experiencing phenomenal results. The talks and videos
are being managed by David Johnson www.begintosee.com. Pls check the websites and if you are interested, you may connect with them. Pls let me
know if you need their email addresses.
May you always be well, happy and healthy, keep smiling n b happy :)
Metta n Smiles :)
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How are you. I am fine and hope the same with you. I glanced your web site it's so nice and i expect full information asearly as possible.
did you recognised me or not. Both of us have travelled from lucknow to gorukhpur recently. How is your India trip.
Kind regards Surendra Babu
Could you please reference to the 'Thripitaka" and show me how the "31 Planes of Existence chart" was derived?
Thank you.